This is the most commonly used method. It does not require much explanation; you glue the pebbles directly to the substrate.
How to Video's
Here you will find all kinds of instructional videos that can help you create your own mosaic work.
Different methods are shown depending on the use for your mosaic.
The use of the different pliers is also explained, because with the right tools we create an even more beautiful end result! You can find it all here.
Lots of viewing fun!

Several mosaic techniques
Direct Method
Indirect Method
Working on Mesh
Difference Direct and Indirect Method

Mosaics and grouting
Glues and the Space Between the Mosaic tiles
Some tiles are on paper. How do I remove them?

Tools for Glass
Leponitt Nipper/Generic Wheeled Nipper
If your Glass Nipper no longer cuts properly
Replacing wheels
Cutting petals
Cutting circles
Glass cutter and glass breaking pliers

Tools for ceramics
Mosaic pliers
Heavy Duty Mosaic Plier
Score- And Breakingtool
Parrotbeak Nipper
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